Oh hey there 2015!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

(and my friends IRL who read my bloggy)

Above is a sneak peek of a dreamy photoshoot I did for Provo Fashion Week. It was shot by the amazing Emmy Lowe and I'm wearing a BreeLena original (I'm still swooning over this skirt). I'll be posting the full shoot sometime later this month, I promise! :)

It's resolution time and I figure if I publicize mine this year, I'll have more motivation to keep them!
(and you folks can shame me if I don't keep them)

1) Go somewhere new every month.

In 2014, I got too comfy and cozy with the norm. I'm not going to go all Yes Man on everything, but I want to have more adventures while I'm still young. Whether it's hiking a crazy mountain trail or roadtripping to a neighboring city or even eating at a restaurant I've walked by a million times but never went into, I want to fill my life with 'new' this year. After all, that's why it's called the new year, right?

2) Focus on my YouTube channel.

Wait what, you have a YouTube channel Ariel? Kinda, sorta, hence why I want to build it up more this year. I'm still pending on how often I want to post, but I definitely want to create more content on it for sure. I've enjoyed making the small amount of videos I have on it now, so why not go with that passion and see where it takes me! Any video requests? :)

3) Be more healthy.

Myself and 50 billion other people make this resolution every year and it lasts maybe one month, tops. I think the problem is that we take this one to the extreme and that's why it's so hard to keep. Humans aren't built to go from zero to extreme within one day (unless you're superhuman, then yes you can do it). This year I want to make small changes in my health, like eating only until I'm full (and not just for taste), working out at least once a week, and if I snack, pour myself a bowl of chips (rather than chowing from the entire bag). I'll let you guys know how long this one lasts...

What are your New Year's Resolutions?
I'd love to hear them below! :)

Let's make 2015 an amazing one!


  1. I'm excited to write more on the blog and to expand my husband's and my YouTube channel as well. We make little videos from time to time and we hoping to expand our videos. I'll look forward to seeing you fulfill your goals! Happy 2015!


  2. Awesome resolutions! They're short and sweet which will help to attain them (: I'm doing a mile a day every day this year- at least one mile, walking or running. I too, want to be more healthy & I definitely don't exercise enough! Good luck with your goals!

  3. wait you don't work out even once a week, and you look like that!? girl, you're amazing. happy new year!!!

    xo, k

  4. I love your skirt
    happy new year

  5. i love the first one!

    xx nikki


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