My blog turns TWO today!

Friday, May 1, 2015

I'm pretty lame.
I almost totally forgot that today is my blog's birthday.

With all the traveling and catching up with life I've been doing this week I completely spaced that May 1st was THIS Friday. Didn't April JUST begin? My goodness. It wasn't until Wednesday when I realized what day it was and that I hadn't done anything special to commemorate Year 2. So I'm sorry little bloggy. Maybe I'll go get a cupcake today and celebrate. Yes. I think I will do that.

Also, I really wanted to put together a "Things I Learned in Year 2 of Blogging" post but obviously I didn't have time to get around to that sooooo I'm going to post that sometime next week. As long as it's posted within a week of the special day it's not old news, right?

Also ALSO, Happy Anniversary to my adorable parents! Ironically I did NOT forget that today is their wedding anniversary even though it falls on the same day as my blog's birthday. I'm weird like that. At least I remembered the more important event though, rightttt? (:

Have a fun weekend friends!
Connor and I are watching The Avengers tonight at the new fancy theater in Vineyard so I'm stooooooked.


  1. Happy 2 years!!! Have a great weekend!

  2. Yay! Happy 2 years to your blog! :)

  3. Happy blogiversary!


  4. happy blog birthday!

    xx nikki

  5. Happy 2 year anniversary! Look how far you have grown!

  6. Happy 2 years to your blog! You look wonderfully...kisses

  7. Congratulations Sweetie! It's been fun following for the past year. :)


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