Just being a creeper...

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Top: c/o LuLu*s
Overalls: Shopbop
Shoes: Converse via Shopbop
Short Necklace: c/o Song Yee Designs
Long Necklace: c/o Made by Maru
Sunglasses: c/o zeroUV
Earrings: Shopbop
Watch: c/o Daniel Wellington

If you don't know, I'm kinda sorta obsessed with the show Big Brother.
It's not officially summer for me without it! I mean, a reality show that airs three times a week, is filled with lots of trashy drama and twists, has amazing designs and setups for competitions, and the ability to creep on the houseguests 24/7 via live feeds?! How is that not anyone's favorite TV show? So yep, that's pretty much what I've been up to these past couple weeks. Just being a creeper. A socially acceptable creeper. Kind of.

So far my favorite houseguests are:
Liz/Julia -- Mostly cus I want them to make it to where they reveal they're twins and see everyone's priceless reactions
James -- Cus who doesn't like an asian hillbilly
Johnny Mac -- I crack up every time this kid talks because it sounds like he's drunk slur shouting. It's hilarious.

My meh houseguests are:
Audrey -- She has told way too many lies and is part of one too many alliances WAY too early in the game
Da'Vonne -- Don't get upset when you get caught doing something sketchy and people get suspicious. She plays victim way too much.

Do any of you guys watch BB??
If so, let me know what you think of this season so far and who your favorite houseguests are!
I always love gossiping with others about the lives of random people I watch on TV. It's the best.

#teamdonny for life.


  1. Love this look! So cute as always!

    The Style Storm
    <3, Christina

  2. Great look! Love the jumpsuit!

  3. I've actually never even seen an episode of Big Brother. Are you watching Bachelorette?!

    Super cute outfit!

    1. It's so addicting! You should give it a try :) and YES! I totally am! Not the biggest fan of this season though, I'm more excited for Bachelor in Paradise!!

  4. Yasssss, I've watched every. single. season. of Big Brother! :) I like Jason, the twins and John (Pixar needs to snatch him up because I think he has a future in animation narration, haha!!) I hope Audrey goes this week, guess we'll see who wins POV! Anywho, your black overalls are so cute - love them with the burgundy tee!


    1. I like Jason so far too! He's adorable! and seriously, John's voice would be perfect for a Pixar character!!!

  5. haha so funny that you like BB so much, I've never actually watched it. And I think a video for you youtube channel is your messy bun. Seriously I have tried and tried and can't seem to get it right...arg. One day...one day.

    1. You should watch it! It's so great!! At least I think so.... haha. Oh my goodness. Seriously true story: the only time I get the perfect messy bun is when I'm not even trying. As in like right before I'm going to bed or about to clean the house. It's so frustrating!

  6. You look great in overalls.



  7. How do you do our messy bun?!?!! It is always on point!

  8. My friends are obsessed with this show! I'm more of a survivor fan, but definitely see the similarities!

    Love your outfit btw!

    Christian |http://www.mysimplemodestchic.com/

  9. You look great in that jumpsuit, I found the same on this site Stylephotos

  10. Great look! The jewelry retouching really enhances the photos and complements the edgy outfit perfectly.


Don't be shy! I love reading all of your comments!